Tuesday, 26 February 2013

OUGD404 - Design Principles: Health Leaflets

Phil asked us to collect some health leaflets. I went to the doctors surgery and picked up as many as I could possibly find. We were asked to look at the grid systems used on each leaflet and when doing so we were asked to draw on all of the different grids we could see. I therefore scanned all of my leaflets in to the computer and illustrated where the grids were by using the ruler tool.

When doing this task I noticed that all of the health leaflets had a certain structure to them. This is because the information provided is extremely important and has a serious tone to it. If the information was scattered and not in any kind of order it would imply that it has an informal, fun tone to it. I found this task really interesting and it made me realise just how many different grids there are out there, making it easy to apply to work.

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