Tuesday, 15 October 2013

OUGD504 - Design Production: Studio Brief 2 (Design For Web Task)

We were asked to continue to researching websites, and using the same exercise analyse them whilst also considering the three questions:
  • What is the purpose of the website?
  • Who are the target audience?
  • What do the target audience need?

Initial words
  • Structure
  • Grid
  • Organisation
  • Functionality
What is the purpose of the website?

The purpose is for the user to be able to gather research or inspirational images from the website. I think from the home page it has succeeded in doing this, as the search engine is quite obviously there are already some images there to indicate how the website works.

Who are the target audience?

From the home page it is immediately apparent that the target audience is any creative individuals who have got a strong interest in a wide selection of design such as:

Business card

The above subjects are the types of design which are currently trending on the website, so that gives us an idea of their target audience and who they have designed their site for.

What do the target audience need?

They need to be able to view images easily, which this website allows us to do. In turn this enables them to gather the necessary information they need or want from the website.


Initial words
  • Minimal
  • Clean
  • Professional
  • Easy to follow
What is the purpose of the website?

After searching for 'Zara' the above image is essentially the homepage for their stores worldwide. It is clear from this that the function of their website is to promote and sell clothing. However, having already been shopping in the store I am aware that Zara is also for men as well, so the image they have chosen, for those who may not have necessary shopped there before, is quite misleading and may cause any male browsers to close the web page at this stage even before entering the site properly.

Who are the target audience?

The target audience from this home page would be conceived as being young women. But again, this could be inaccurate as it narrows the target market to only a small population, and if the models were perhaps all of different ages then it could reach a wider audience.

What do the target audience need?

The target audience first of all need to be able to access the correct site in their chosen language, I feel as though this page allows them to do that successfully.


Initial words
  • Minimal
  • Clean
  • Fresh
  • Functional
  • Appealing
  • High end
What is the purpose of the website?

The purpose of the website is quite clearly to sell clothes, from the video provided on the home page. The navigation is clearly incorporated in to the design making it easy to find the area of the website you want to reach.

Who are the target audience?

From the video, the instant impression I get is that the audience is women rather than men, as they don't sell male clothing on this website. 

What do the target audience need?

The audience need to be able to navigate around the website as smoothly as possible, and from my first impression, this seems like it is easy to understand and follow in order to reach the preferred destination.

BBC Bitesize

Initial words
  • Children
  • Colourful
  • Bad font choice
  • Unbalanced
  • Jumbled
What is the purpose of the website?

The purpose of the website is to help children with their studies. I think this is clear from the imagery used on the home page, but I'm not sure about the use of cartoons as well as photography, it doesn't seem to serve it's purpose as well as it could do. Perhaps they could have had sections for different parts of the country to make it clearer where to go on the website, and this way the page would appear to be more balanced as well rather than having one of the boxes left at the end, not forming a full row of images.

Who are the target audience?

The target audience is children, however I think parents would also maybe use the website as well to test their children or to print off relevant information they may need themselves. The use of monochrome images for some of the links and then full colour for the rest seems to make the target audience a little bit harder to define for some reason. I think this may be because there isn't consistency.

What do the target audience need?

The target audience need to be able to access the relevant information on the website to help them with their studies. Bitesize is still part of the BBC website, meaning if they navigate away from this page, they will perhaps reach information they don't need. So from this point of view it has been well thought out, so that everything is accessible from the one page.

123 Inspiration

Initial words
  • Adverts
  • Unclear purpose
  • Rushed blog
  • Little design skill
What is the purpose of the website?

The purpose of the website is unclear at first but it suggests it in the name '123 Inspiration' as it is a place where research can be gathered concerning a variety of different subject matters listed along the top of the page.

Who are the target audience?

The target audience is unclear again from simply looking at the top of the home page. From the top image I get the impression that it isn't really for children to use, as they could find that quite disturbing, but at the same time it could be made clearer again by having a separate home page which then links to all of the different blogs listed.

What do the target audience need?

The target audience need to be able to clearly distinguish their research from the rest of the information provided on the website. I think that from the point of view of being able to scroll down easily to view the images, it is a strong blog, as the viewer isn't bombarded with too much text. However the actual design could be improved considerably.

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