When I initially carried out research in to how to create ink made out of leaves I found instructions on the internet which enabled me to produce the ink the way I wanted to. However once I had produced it I realised that it could do with being thicker and easier to apply to different stock, which is why I have carried out some further research in to how to thicken ink. I am not sure whether this would be successful or not, and I will have to carry out some further primary research I think, but it is worth me testing it for definite. The only thing I need to do is make sure that the ink doesn't end up moldy, so I will have to ensure I preserve it.
- 1Pour the desired amount of your ink that you want to thicken into a disposable bowl.
- 2Whisk in very small amounts of corn starch. Start by just sprinkling it on while you whisk and add more as necessary.
- 3Continue whisking your ink and adding corn starch until you reach the desired thickness.
- 4Pour your thickened ink into an air-tight container. You may need to use the whisk to push it into the container. Your ink is now ready to use.
- 5Discard the disposable bowl and clean the whisk. If you are using water-based ink, soap and water will suffice; but if you are using oil-based ink, you will need a cleaner designed for removing oil, such as a solvent.
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- 6Store your thickened ink in a cool place away from light when you are finished using it.
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