Thursday, 31 October 2013

OUGD504 - Design Production: Design For Web (Web Design Research)

My mum had asked me to sign up to this brand 'OKA' because she liked the furniture. I have since received a lot of emails from them and always like the design of their emails. I therefore thought I could take inspiration from them, but also perhaps propose an email template within my resolution for the design for web brief.

The layout itself is quite cluttered in my opinion because they have tried to put as much information on it as possible. I don't necessarily see this as a bad thing, as it seems to work successfully to convey information.

I like how they have used leaves here to made it fitting with the season. I could easily illustrate sugar cane for my design and do the same with my website. This would give it a personalised, illustrative feel. 

I then decided to have a look at their website, and was really impressed with their layout. It looks extremely professional and corporate and very easy to navigate around. I actually love the use of the large scale image in the background, if my images are high enough resolution this is something I could certainly experiment with.

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