Tuesday, 19 March 2013

OUGD404 - Design Principles: Presenting Findings

Our group
Today we had to present our findings for the questions we were given. Our group's questions was 'what is a double page spread and what does it do?

We had some positive responses but it was hard to effectively ask questions without stating the obvious. We therefore asked their opinions on double page spreads and we found that most of the class preferred them to single pages. This is because negative space can be used effectively and it helps to separate text and image in a positive way.

Group 2
Grids, gutters, columns and margings and the golden section?
  • Help to separate a page
  • Margins are the empty spaces around the page to allow there to be room without cutting information off
  • Gutters are the inside margins on a double page spread to accomodate for binding
  • When you are putting a photo across a double page spread you don't use gutters
  • Columns are an arrangement of space to fill with text
  • The golden section allows you to make the make proportionate
  • 1.61 is the golden number
Group 3
Paragraphs, ligatures, captions?
  • A subheading enables you to read information quickly
  • Provides more detail about the topic stated
  • A paragraph is a self contained group of information
  • A caption draws attention to detail about an image
  • An example of a good caption is one which draws the reader in
  • Ligature is two or more letters which can represent a sound or a word
  • They are primarily used to make type look better on a page
  • Pagination is the process of dividing (content) into discrete pages, either electronic pages or printed pages
  • Pagination should include sematics and cultural contexts
  • Pagination offers navigation options for browsing

Group 4
Picas, pixels, bits?
  • Pica is a measuring unit for typography
  • There are three types of pica
  • A pixel is a sample of a original image
  • LCD pixels are manufactured in 2 dimensional either a dot or square
  • 8 bit is when you take a digital image it will be in 8 bit format
  • 16 bit is when you edit an image and there are more colours
  • A measurement refers to the height of the type block
Group 5
Dropcap, box and rulers?
  • A dropcap is found in reading books to signify a break in text
  • Box and rulers is a format layout which can consist of anything, either text or image or a mixture of the two
  • Rulers are used as material rulers or ones which can be found on software

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