Sunday, 6 April 2014

OUGD505 - Design Practice 2: Studio Brief 2 (Venice Primary Research)

When I was in Venice I was constantly aware of this brief as it was always at the back of my mind. This meant that wherever I went I was always alert and looking for possible inspiration and ideas. Although I didn't find a huge amount of inspiration for this project in particular, I found some really important pieces of information and design which was invaluable.

When I visited the Doges Palace, I went to the gift shop on my way out and came across this hand crafted pop up book. At the moment, as I am still open to ideas and could potentially create anything I want, I thought it would be useful to take some photographs. This book was particularly relevant as it related to transportation and this meant that I could take direct inspiration from it when I create my road safety materials. 

The fact that this book is very interactive and 3 dimensional, closely connects with autism and their love for sensory objects. I could therefore consider 3 dimensional outcomes if I feel they are suitable. Perhaps expanding on the idea of the box I had built before the Easter break. 

When I was on the plane I also took some photographs of the instructions on the plane to indicate safety. I thought that I could take inspiration from the design and layout when it comes to be educating children about road safety. 

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