Monday, 3 February 2014

OUGD505 - Design Practice 2: Study Task 1 (Other Examples of Graphic Design)

Hospital Aid

I found the design below when I searched for communication in hospitals. I like how there is a clearly illustrated pain chart to work with and how the patient has a reusable surface opposite so that they can write down their answer. I could use the reusable surface in my work too.

What You Should Know about AAC's Expanding Role in Health Care: ISAAC, 2012-Day 1


Felt Book

This is a page taken from a felt book which has been created so that it is easy to use and won't break, it is also very child friendly. I could take this idea and develop it by using felt combined with other materials to make a book or other product.

Could peer tutors and students make something like this together?  I like the sensory aspect and the motor planning (where does the needle go when it is behind the fabric?)


Once again here a felt book has been created and has been designed to be interactive so that the child using the book is made to feel certain parts on each page to educate them.

Baby Felt Book- Would make a cute quilt too!


When my auntie mentioned that my cousin could do with something to put all of her materials in rather than a big heavy bag, I thought I would keep this in mind when carrying out research. I came across this felt holder for crayons and a notebook as well and I think this is something I could look in to further if I decided to create something useful to contain information. 

Drawing notebook. never thought of including this inside a felt book, always had a separate art bag..


Again this is quite interactive because it encourages the user to play with all of the items found inside each of the different pockets. 

Cute DIY felt project.


This is a really clever idea, containing all of the different pieces inside a little pocket which is not only aesthetically pleasing but it is also a clever storage solution.

Quiet book.. Like the way to store the pieces


Although this isn't as relevant as the designs above, I like how the zip has been used as well as the felt as it adds another dimensions to the aesthetic.

quiet book by deleon - inside camping tent



Although this isn't specifically for people with disabilities it could be something I could take inspiration from. I like how it is 3 dimensional and has lots of different properties.


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