Thursday, 13 February 2014

OUGD503 - Design Process: Responsive (Fedrigoni Crit)

Today we were asked to lay our work out on the tables so that the boards were easily accessible for all of the briefs which we have completed so far. We then went round the studio in groups of two or three and filled out a feedback form for each person we had been allocated. I felt as though this was a really helpful way of providing detailed and informative feedback and I am really pleased with how concise and thoughtful my feedback is, shown below.

I am going to take into consideration all of the comments which were left on this sheet so that I can improve my design before submitting it to YCN. The overall general comment was very encouraging and I am determined to try and improve my work as much as possible as well as take on as many more live briefs as possible, taking into consideration the time scale.

Below are the boards I produced for this crit. I am going to work on them again before submission as I feel the image quality could definitely be improved a lot and this will therefore allow my work to be more professionally presented.

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