Where the lectures are concerned, I feel as though I have developed the skill of being able to effectively document relevant information whilst the lecturer is speaking. I found that blogging my lecture notes along the way was extremely helpful as it meant that everything was clear in my mind. In terms of designing for 'A Brief History' I feel as though I have developed even more packaging skills, as much of mine is based on creating 3 dimensional work. I have also learnt how to be selective about my research, as I have had to make sure that I select certain pieces of research to write about and include in my publication, otherwise it would become too much and would result in it not being very interesting. I have developed my skills in InDesign even further too, as I used it to create the majority of my publication.
What approaches to/methods of design production have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
I have been able to experiment with foiling, which is something I have never done before. Although it wasn't as successful as I had hoped, I still think it was beneficial to me, as I now know how to do it for future briefs. I just felt as though it wasn't necessary to foil for this brief as it didn't add any extra quality to my work. Rather than using existing nets to create my packaging, I found I was able to create my own on Illustrator, which is something I would never have felt confident enough to do previously. I am really pleased with the progress I have made during this module and feel as though I have learnt a lot.
What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I feel as though I have chosen appropriate stock to use for this brief and will continue to experiment with more stock in the future to ensure that I get the best possible outcomes for all of the work that I produce. I have also ensured that I used appropriate fonts, taking into consideration which would work well, and in the end choosing to use the font Vogue uses as well as the font Chanel uses for their logo.
What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these in the future?
I feel as though there is always more that I could do with a brief. However there is always going to be a deadline, and this means that I have to make sure I reach a point with my work that I am happy with, otherwise I don't feel confident and proud enough to present it. I always put as much effort as possible into every brief I am given, and I do feel proud of the outcome, however if I hadn't had to concentrate on meeting other deadlines I obviously wouldn't have been able to produce even more work. It is just about getting the balance right, which I feel I am starting to do. If anything though, this is something I will be focusing on in the future to ensure that I have equal amount of time for each brief given.
Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
- I will continue to develop my skills on InDesign so that I can use it even more efficiently
- I will experiment with more stock so that I am used to the print quality and will be able to say in the future which stock is best suited to certain designs I create
- I will continue to create prototypes as I feel as though this helps a lot, but I will become more adventurous with the nets that I create, to help me grow in confidence
- I will read all of the books I have relating to design to help my general knowledge
- I will discover even more ways to collect primary research
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