Thursday, 1 May 2014

OUGD501 - Context of Practice: Studio Brief 2 (Perforation Experiments)

Below are photographs of all of my perforation experiments. To start with I tried using my guillotine which I have at home, I can change the blades I use on it and one of them is specifically used to perforate paper. I have realised that this is not the most accurate way of perforating my work though as it is hard to gauge where exactly it is going to perforate. 

I also considered perforating the lid of the box, however I think this might be making the work a bit too complicated for myself. Below is a rough idea of how I visualised this to look. I don't feel as though it is necessary, mainly because it would make the product harder to reproduce if it was to be mass produced and distributed to a large population. 

Here are some sample print outs to scale. I did this to see whether or not the icons were big enough. I realised that the toilet rolls needed more work because they seemed to merge together. The while circles need to be more defined and there needs to be a larger space in between each one. 

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