Thursday, 30 January 2014

OUGD505 - Design Practice 2: Study Task 1 (Primary Research with Carer)

I contacted my auntie to gather some primary research for this brief. My cousin has Angelman syndrome and uses a lot of different materials to aid communication. At this stage I am obviously unsure about what the brief is going to ask me eventually, however at the moment it is important that I gather as much information as possible to give me a broad range of possibilities. I may end up focusing on a particular disability to make the communicative material/product more specific, or I may make it more generalised so that it could reach a wider audience.

I asked the following:

"I'd like to design a learning aid for disabled children or adults (or both) and was wondering whether you have ever thought about something that you wish Charlotte had to help communicate with you? I know there are so many existing products but I think there's always room for more!"

I received the following response:

"I think your idea to design a aid for disabled children sounds such a good idea. The only ideas at the moment would be a fun bag or pocket size bag or something that could carry her communication pictures. Every thing Charlotte has ever had is great big folders for the pictures or boring heavy bags for her electronic communication devices ."

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