During my crit today, Phil suggested that I should consider families as my target audience for my print book. I therefore feel it is important to not only engage with children but also their parents too. I have decided to research in to creative children's books to see whether I get any inspiration. Funnily enough, my initial primary research consisted of looking at my Winnie The Pooh Collection I have at home since I was little. Therefore maybe I had subconsciously thought that this may be a strong route to take but needed someone else to confirm it for me.
I found some existing publications online which I thought were very relevant to the work I am producing. This 'playful learning' booklet illustrates a way in which I could present my work, however the only thing with this is that it is directed at children and how to teach children, and I don't think a lot of them would fully understand or care at that age about how to be sustainable and 'turn over a new leaf'. I therefore feel as though I may struggle using this target audience.
I found some existing publications online which I thought were very relevant to the work I am producing. This 'playful learning' booklet illustrates a way in which I could present my work, however the only thing with this is that it is directed at children and how to teach children, and I don't think a lot of them would fully understand or care at that age about how to be sustainable and 'turn over a new leaf'. I therefore feel as though I may struggle using this target audience.
I thought it was very coincidental when I saw this page layout, as they have illustrate fruit and vegetables and this is something I have explored in my practice when I considered using ink made from fruit and vegetables. If I was to produce a pack for children and their parents I would include seeds for the children to plant and then perhaps use to make their own ink and print with a stamp provided.
Although this sounds like an interesting and fun idea though, I am really not sure how many families would be interested in taking part in this because it is not only crafty (specific to a certain audience) but it is also extremely time consuming waiting for the plant to grow to be able to use it.
Funnily enough I then came across this booklet design which actually shows how leaves have been used to help with education. I feel as though if I was to base my whole brief around leaves it wouldn't successfully fulfil the brief necessarily.
What are some leaf preschool activities my preschooler can do?
Little Bear has been fascinated with rocks and leaves lately. Now is a really good time of year to be learning about leaves, so I took the opportunity to create some educational activities centered around leaves. I started with one activity, but it turned into several activities, so I ended up with a whole Leaves Preschool Pack.
I’ve been trying to make cutting and pasting more fun for Little Bear, so I started off making this cut and paste shadow match activity. Little Bear cut out all of the colored leaves on the first page, then glued them onto the leaf with the same “shadow” on the next page.
Next, I made this leaf scavenger hunt. He keeps going into our backyard with a grocery sack to “gather leaves.” This makes him feel really important. I think he feels like he is gathering firewood or something. I thought it would be fun if we took the leaf scavenger hunt to the park and see if we could find any of the same leaves. We haven’t done this one yet so we’ll see how it works out in real life.
Next I made these leaf puzzles. Little Bear was sick of cutting, so I cut these out and then Little Bear matched them together. After he found all of the matches, he glued them onto some construction paper.
I made another puzzle because Little Bear is so into them right now. This one was a number puzzle. Little Bear started by gluing the strip with the number 1 on the left edge of a piece of construction paper. Next, he found the number 2 and glued that next to the first strip, and so on. Once all the strips were glued on in the correct order, there was a nice picture of a tree.
We did this pre-writing activity next. I usually have Little Bear use a crayon rather than a pencil, but sometimes he wants to use a pencil. It is harder for him to stay on the line when he uses a pencil so maybe we should be practicing with a pencil more often. ;)
I had to make a do-a-dot activity because Little Bear loves them. You could also use some magnet pompoms with this page, or you could just color the circles.
The last activity is a upper and lowercase letter sort. I cut out all of the leaves on the last page, then Little Bear sorted them under the correct tree. Little Bear is really good at these sorts, but he still enjoys them, so I figured it was worth it to make one.
Well, that’s it for my very first preschool pack ever. Let me know if you like this or if you want more activities in the pack. If I get some good feedback I may be making more preschool packs.
I came across this project online as well and thought it was very appropriate to my work at the moment. I could easily take inspiration from this as it is a living example of something which has been created, is successful, and is functional.
Save a planet
- Disposable food bowl
- My goal:To create disposable food bowl with minimum environmental impact and to teach wide society about new biodegradable materials in a funny way.Description from label:Enjoy your food. Then put the seeds from under the label with gravel to the bowl and let it grow. After a week, plant bowl with a herb to the ground. The bowl will degrade and you can grow up your own herb.
- enjoying food
- recycle
getting seeds from under the label
- putting in gravel
- placing seeds to the gravel
- covering seeds
- watering seeds
- grown plant
- putting plant with bowl into the ground
- the herb will grow up and bowl will degrade
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