Useful links are as follows...
web design served
graphic art news
This website along with any other packaging websites will be very relevant to my own website design, as I have looked at plastic packaging. I may still continue to do further research to perfect my content until I am happy with it, but these websites will perhaps give me some inspiration.
Whilst I was doing placement I also had the opportunity to create a list of my own websites that I liked the design of. These consisted of the following:
- gold interactive
- the noun project
- graphic art news
- cool infographics
I also came across some studios in Vancouver and wrote down the ones I liked the look of. I think this is worthwhile to mention here, as I was obviously attracted to the studios because of the design of their websites as well as the work they were exhibiting:
I was also involved in a pitch which I found extremely interesting and I was very grateful to have been asked to be a part of it. I learnt an awful lot during this time and one of the things I was asked to do was carry out some research one morning for a meeting in the afternoon, looking at successful websites we could find and possibly take influence from. This enabled me to gather even more first hand research from the rest of the team I was working with, as they shared a lot of resources with me in preparation for the afternoon, when we set up a shared Google Doc. Below are all of the websites we looked at.
Using this research I am going to carry out further investigations by portraying particular examples of websites I like taken from the links above and I am going to comment on how they could influence my decisions for my own website design, pin pointing the elements and features I like.
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